About Us

Art Photography of Indonesia (Art Photo Indonesia/API) founded in Jakarta, in April 2015.It is a non profit organization founded by enthusiastic photographers who has a dedication and passion in photography.
Our main activities emphasis in social and humanitarian that relates to Photography.We are open to any cooperation and collaboration, nationally and internationally.

“Friendship through Photography”

Chairperson  : Agatha Anne Bunanta, FPSA, GMPSA, GPSA, EFIAP/p, ARPS, GPU-Cr4, GPU-VIP3, E.FPSI, A.FPSI*****, Hon CNPS, Hon.SSS, Hon.BPS, Hon.FICS, Hon.PSM, Hon.FPPS, Hon.ADCC
Secretary  : Edwin Djuanda, HonCNPS, HonE.FPSI, ARPS, QPSA, AFIAP, A.FPSI*, GPU-Hermes
Treasurer  : Fakhie Julverdie
Program Division  : Vincent Kohar, EPSA, BPSA, EFIAP
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Executive Board